Been doing some work on closed-loop transmissions this week, which made me go back to an old series of posts devoted to closed-loop null adjustment, and, as usual - I am re-writing everything. So, here's the first part - Finding Zero.
I had this little project on hold since last year, and finally managed to scrape together some time to finish it - and was very surprised to run into an unexpected problem with the installation of a Danfoss JS1-H joystick. At this point I am not sure if I was unlucky and got a "lemon" from the Danfoss, or if it's just the way these joysticks are supposed to be, but I will definitely investigate, and (with your help) will get to the bottom of this. For now - I'll keep the "suspense" by introducing you to the Unexpected Problem With Danfoss JS1-H Joystick Installation.
18 August, 2019
Last week I installed a custom built Danfoss JS1-H heavy duty joystick control system on a Terex tele-handler. The build went fine but I ran into a very peculiar joystick malfunction that I wasn't expecting... I did fix it, and I did reach our for Danfoss to see if they can tell me anything about it. So far they've been silent... So I will wait for another week before posting about this build... Anyhow - do you know The Importance of Relief Valve Settings Verification?
11 August, 2019
This is one of my first https:// pages, so, please, do let me know if there're issues with the way the page is shown. Apparently this is another thing that I will have to re-factor "all over the blog". For "security" reasons... So, you can now (very securely) find out what is the Best Tool to Learn Hydraulic Pump Troubleshooting
4 August, 2019
Three hydraulic myths are added to the Tip Jar. Also - a small update on the Wireless page - as I am refactoring the App for multi-point profiles, I decided it would be nice to update the chart and log a progress point.
28 July, 2019
I've been slowly but steadily re-factoring old pages to the newer template, and often I find that my old posts are incomplete or even incorrect, so, instead of re-writing the HTML I end up re-writing the complete post. Only God knows why I keep doing that... Anyways, here's another one, remastered, on Three Simple Checks you should consider doing before bench testing a pump or a motor with unknown history.
If you don't know it yet - simple stuff that is so obvious for us, people who deal with hydraulics on a daily basis, can be the complete opposite for "normal folks". Here's an example: Not So Obvious Obvious. (Older article, re-done with mistakes corrected).
I am opening a new section, called the Tip Jar. It will contain, naturally, all kinds of short but useful tips, plus a lot more! I believe that sharing useful information in the key to make our industry of choice "a better place" for all. This is a brand new section, so it's not 100% "populated" as of today, but I will make sure that it doesn't stay that way for long.
The simplest way to test a hydraulic motor is to restrict its return flow in order to raise the pressure inside the rotary group, and then check the drain flow for excessive leakage. In today's post I go to Bulgaria to learn that such tests, after all, have their limitations.
02 June, 2019
I have used Parker ServiceJunior digital pressure gauges in all of my hydraulic ventures for many years. And since I usually choose high range and relatively low precision models (600 bar with 0.5% FS accuracy), I set out to discover if such a gauge can be used to measure very low pressures - How Good Is Your ServiceJunior?
I have a great opportunity to once again evaluate the Rexroth A10VO series 5X pumps. Three pumps in a single post! Seriously, Rexroth, I really think that you could do better here! - Rexroth A10VO Series 53 - Failure Analysis
12 May, 2019
Mine maintenance is such a cool thing, especially if you like working through weekends and pulling all-nighters changing filters and cleaning tanks! This week is all about redoing old classics, like Oil Hydraulics and Oil Baths and pondering once again on which one is better - bar, MPa, psi, at or atm?
5 May, 2019
My "favorite" mine is doing a scheduled maintenance of the paste plant - and I am working through this weekend overhauling an automatic lubrication system of the ARCEN mixers. Lucky me! Still managed some time to update the menu - there's a new section now, called Wireless, where I'll be putting my progress on the Smart Industrial Monitor and other wireless projects that I intend to build.
Not only this closed loop pump managed to create a wedding ring (yes, wedding ring!), but it also taught several interesting lessons! Don't believe me? See for yourself: Rexroth A4VG125 Pump Teaches Multiple Lessons.