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22 January, 2012
More examples added to the post on Aftermarket Spares
7 January, 2012
Three more links unlocked in the article on aftermarket parts - Swashplates, A6VM Valve Plate, and Komatsu Parts
30 December, 2011
Aftermarket Spares - Thoughts and Examples (with more examples coming next year)
22 December, 2011
I apologize to all devoted readers of the InsaneHydraulics.com for "being absent" this month... A lot of things happened in my
personal life (including me moving to a bigger apartment) during the last four weeks, so the blog activity had to slow down.
At this point I am cooking an article about non-original spare parts which will, hopefully, come out before the end of the year.
In any case - I would like to use this short break to wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
8 December, 2011
The Story of a Luggage Conveyor
26 November, 2011
And Now Let's Try This WITHOUT a Thrust Plate...
20 November, 2011
The question "Can an axial piston pump work with one piston missing?" is answered in
Baldest Pump Overhaul Ever
12 November, 2011
Can Flow Tests Predict Life Spans?
30 October, 2011
The IH is back in business!!! I spent the last two weeks fixing raise-boring equipment, which left
me no time for updates... But I am still alive and kicking, so here's a couple of words on "bogus" failures in
Closed Loop Bypasses
11 October, 2011
The Mystery of Missing Teeth
3 October, 2011
A couple of tips about Making Small Diameter Orifices
22 September, 2011
Behold! - the first in the world Interactive Nomogram for Sizing Hydraulic Hoses
13 September, 2011
Peculiar Damage Pattern
5 September, 2011
Two Times in a Row - the first Kaboom post featuring no pictures of scrap
28 August, 2011
Fighting Self-Oscillations with Control Fluid Leakage,
and also a decription of Rexroth A7VO55LR3E open loop pump
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