Insane Hydraulics

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List of Seals for Rexroth A10VO140 3X Hydraulic Pump

This is the original Rexroth high-temperature (Viton, a.k.a. FKM or FPM) seal kit for A10VO140DFLR/3X, part number R910941170:

Obs.: R-ring stands for "rectangular profile ring." When the "R-RING" checkbox is deselected, the R-rings in the copied list are replaced with o-rings.

Proprietary Seals

Type Rexroth p/n Obs.
Metal gasket R902448222 Torque limiter gasket (newer design)

Other Seals

Qty Type Size Obs.
1 BAFSL 1SF FKM 50x72x7/5 Shaft seal, R909831178
1 O-RING FKM80 230x2.5 Case (cavity 3x2), R910930461
4 R-RING FKM70 20.55x23.90x2.45 Case (bolts, cavities 21x27x2), R913053032
4 O-RING FKM80 21x2.5 Case, o-ring alternative (bolts, cavities 21x27x2), R910924872-Nitile
10 O-RING FKM90 9.25x1.78 NG06 o-ring seal, R910593168
2 O-RING FKM90 15.6x1.78 Control (plugs, spool side), R910930792
2 O-RING FKM90 20x2.0 Control (plugs, spring side), R987123590
2 O-RING FKM80 10x2.0 Control adjusting screws, R910080535
2 BACKUP RING 10x13x1 Control adjusting screws, R910913392
6 R-RING FKM80 9.8x12.8x1.78 NG-06 interface R-Ring, R902437933
1 O-RING FKM90 21.95x1.78 Torque limiter (plug side), R910972258
1 O-RING FKM90 20.35x1.78 Torque limiter (adjusting screw side), R910609994
1 BONDED SEAL 8.2x13.9x2.5 Torque limiter adjusting screw, R910940445
1 O-RING FKM70 23.47x2.95 SAE 1.1/16 ORB seal (drain port), R910913484


Front Bearing Tail Bearing
ZVL K-529 + K-522 FAG 32207-XL