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     This control cylinder comes from a Komatsu open circuit pump (like this one). In this generation the torque limiter control spool is placed inside the servo-cylinder, along with the respective springs and what not. The design solution is compact, but to make it work the servo-piston has a thousand oil passages, which, aside from making it resemble a chunk of swiss cheese, make it a weaker part, therefore breakable at some point. This one snapped in the middle during normal operation of the excavator...

     Since this series is a rare client of our shop, I am not sure whether this is a standalone case or a common failure due to design flaw. If any of you ever saw something like this - let me know, any feedback would be appreciated. In any case this breakdown makes a nice series of kaboom pics.
Broken Servo Cylinder - Komatsu Pump
Broken Servo Cylinder - Komatsu Pump
Broken Servo Cylinder - Komatsu Pump
Broken Servo Cylinder - Komatsu Pump
Broken Servo Cylinder - Komatsu Pump
Broken Servo Cylinder - Komatsu Pump