InsaneHydraulics - Sergiy Sydorenko © 2009-2011 All Ridghts Reserved
These parts belong to a Kawasaki K5V80DTP pump, which dished out almost
20,000 hours before ending up on my "operation table". Apparently, the
machine stopped when the teeth inside one of the barrels disappeared.
Now - for the mystery part: we witness quite a lot of steel missing here - the cylinder block one lost the teeth completely, the cylinder block two has maybe slim 25 percent of teeth left, also the respective splines on both of the shafts present extensive wear, and the shaft end bearing surfaces are all pitted and warn out
- in other words plenty of iron had to be grinded to dust before coming
to this point, yet there isn't much wear in other parts of the rotary
groups. The piston shoes and the thrust plates look almost new with but minor scratches, the valve plates and the cylinder blocks
have traces of small particle wear, but again - with no noticeable
difference in height between the marked and not marked areas - something
you would naturally expect from a 20,000 hour old rotary group.
My theory - the oil and the filters were changed at
regular intervals, but no scheduled overhauls of the pump were ever
performed. The result was a relatively long life of the unit, which
still ended abruptly and unexpectedly when the parts that wear out,
well, wore out...